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product sheet

Zinc Chloride
Solution 50%


Old Bridge Minerals, Inc.
554 Waterworks Rd.
Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857

Typical Analysis

Common Name: Zinc Chloride Solution 50%
ZnCl2: 50%
Baume’ (degrees): 52.57
Specific gravity: 1.57
Weight: 13 lb./gal.
Iron (Fe): <0.005%
Lead (Pb): <0.0002%
Color: Water white

Physical Properties

Weight per gallon: 13.08 lb.
Zinc Chloride per gallon: 6.54 lb.
Zinc per gallon: 3.14 lb.
Freezing Point: -70° F (-57° C)


ppm – parts per million
Manufactured in the United States of America
